Q1. Fill in the blanks:
An institution is composed of _______.
ANS:- Rules and procedures
Q2George Simmel’s classification of group as ‘Monad’, ‘Dyad’, and ‘Triad’
is based on
ANS Size of the group
Q3,An area of social living which is marked by some degree of social
coherence and similarity is called
Q4, C.W. Mills’ perspective takes into account
ANS:- Biography,Geography
Q5,Which instances may not be
considered as reference group behaviour?
Q6,Which instances may be considered as reference group behaviour?
ANS:- Proletarianization, Embourgeoisment, Sanskritization
Q7,Which of the following is a set of informal groups?
ANS:-Clique, faction, caucus
Q8,Who argued that the school prepares children to move towards
universalistic standards and achieved status of adult society?
ANS:- T. Parsons
Q9,Who defined religion in terms of a distinction between the sacred and
the profone?
ANS:-E. Durkheim
Q10, Who argued that “By studying traditions of
Indian society change can be understood”?
ANS:- D.P. Mukherjee.
Q11, The correct sequence of societal evolution in
order of increasing complexity.
Ans:- Hunting-gathering, Agriculture and Industrial Societies
Q,12 Sustainable development is characterized by
ANS:- i)
Judicious use of resources ,Maintaining
,Ecological balance ,Keeping soil fertility durable for future generation,
Q13, Who is the author of the book ‘Peasant Society and
Ans:- Robert Redfield
Q,14, . “By ‘cultural dope’ I refer to the
man-in-the-sociologist’s-society who produces the stable features of society in
compliance with pre-established and legitimate alternatives of action that the
culture provides.” Who made the above statement?
ANS:- H. Garfinkel
Q15, Given
below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as
Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Giddens observes that the concept
of structuration helps to understand the importance of social practices over
both actions and structures.
Reason (R): Structuration implies dualism of
society and individual.
Choose the correct answer from the given codes.
:Ans:- (A) Both (A) and (R)
are true......
Q,16. Which of the following development perspectives
encompasses the notion of sustainable development as its central objective?
ANS:- Women Environment and Development (WED)
Q17, Eco-feminism grew in India as the result of
Ans:- Participation in Chipko Movement
Q,18, Which sequence of perspectives on Gender and
Development is followed in India?
ANS:- Welfare, Development, Empowerment
Q19, India’s path of development is based on
Ans:- Private and State enterprise
ANS:- B.R. Ambedkar
Q21, Who has examined the phenomenon of Islamization in the
context of unity in diversity in India?
Ans:- Yogendra Singh
Q,22 Assertion
(A): Green revolution resulted in agrarian prosperity.
Reason (R): All agrarian classes gained
ANS:- Both (A) and (R) are true.
Q23, The Minimum Wages Act was enacted in the year
Ans:- 1948.
Q,24, Who regards American Society as a ‘great
saleroom’ filled with hypocrisy, deceit and insincerity?
ANS:- C. Wright Mills
Q,25, The concept of Rajputization was coined by?
ANS:- Surajit Sinha
Q26, Which of the following is not the indicator of
Human Development?
Ans:- Widow remarriage
Q,27Which of the following is the indicator of Human Development?
ANS:- Scientific Orientation,
Improvement in quality of life, Gender
Q28, Who has discussed the Modes of Adaptation in American
Society for the development of deviant behaviour?
Ans:- R.K. Merton
Q,29, Who authored the book “Culture Change in India;
Identity & Globalization”?
ANS:- Yogendra Singh
Q30, In which of the following Indian sociological
studies was structural functional approach adopted?
Ans:- Society and Religion among the Coorgs of South India.
Reviewed by শ্রী শ্রী সত্যনারায়ণ নমঃ
July 07, 2019
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